20 October 2019
Conference "Quantum Medicine: Frequencies for therapy and rehabilitation"
First accredited course for healthcare professionals on the occasion of the commercial launch of the KARNAKMED® line

On October 20, 2019, the Conference dedicated to Quantum Medicine and KARNAKMED® technology frequencies for treatment and therapy was held in Milan.
We would like to thank all the participants who contributed to the success of the event, the publisher EdiErmes who organized and hosted the event and the lecturers Prof. Spaggiari and Prof. Ricciardi for their valuable scientific disclosure.
Event presentation
The most recent scientific discoveries in Medicine and Quantum Physics together with the teachings of several Nobel Prize winners show how important is the biophysical aspect of the human organism. In particular, cells and neurons use electrical and magnetic stimuli as a form of intra and extra cellular communication. These factors determine the functional conditions of each organic system and the health status of the entire organism.
The use in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation of the most advanced technologies that employ the principles of Quantum Medicine allow a direct action on the causes of the pathology as well as on the symptom allowing a global and integrated interaction.
The course delves into the basics of the interaction between the body's cells and the therapeutic frequencies that activate cellular regeneration and accelerate the functional recovery of the organic, osteo-articular, postural and immune systems while respecting the individuality of each patient.
Prof. Piergiorgio Spaggiari
Physicist and Surgeon - Specialist in Sports Medicine, Milan
Former University Professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of MilanFormer Assistant to the President of the National Research Council (CNR) and researcher at the Institute of Advanced Biomedical Technologies of the CNR
Former Contract Professor at the University of Milan, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery
Former Contract Professor at the University "La Sapienza" of Rome
Former Extraordinary Professor Chair of Sports Medicine at San Raffaele University of Rome
Former General Manager of the "Gaetano Pini" Orthopaedic Institute of Milan
Prof. Pasquale Maurizio Ricciardi
Surgeon - Specialist in Sports Medicine, Clinic
Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Physiatrics, RomePhysiatrist Specialist in Sports Medicine and in Orthopaedics-Traumatology
Chief Orthopaedic Trauma Surgeon (National eligibility)
Homotoxicologist Acupuncturist
Head of the Interdistrict Sector of Sports Medicine ASL Rome C
Adjunct Professor of Physiology of Movement University of Rome Tor Vergata
Adjunct Professor of Clinical Biophysics University La Sapienza Rome Institute of Medicine of the Sea
Coordinator and Professor of Postural Neurophysiology at the Master of Postural Gnathology University of Rome Tor Vergata
Former Director of Orthopaedic Traumatology Clinic Ludes University
Former Dean of the Faculty of Motor Sciences University Ludes of Lugano
Author of scientific publications and UNAMSI Press Award for scientific popularization
- Know the fundamentals and biophysical principles that regulate the body's functional and self-repairing processes
- Learn and know how to apply therapeutic electromagnetic frequencies that promote the rehabilitation pathway
Topics covered
Prof. Piergiorgio Spaggiari
- From Classical Physics to Quantum Physic
- Quantum Medicine
- The interaction between frequencies and cellular activity
- The fundamental role of Water
Prof. Pasquale Maurizio Ricciardi
- Clinical Biophysics
- S.P.I.A.P.M.R. Method - The functioning of quantum medicine in the organism
- Postural Neurophysiology
- Fine electromagnetic waves applied in Clinic for therapy and rehabilitation